It’s Not FaceBook But How Can I Unfriend You?


I have pondered much lately on the passage of human friendships; the budding, the blooming, the display and soon after, the drying sojourn.  I brood and I compare the dynamics and intricacies of this person-to-person rapport against the  consanguinity of my liaison with my pet licker.  The inner workings of relationships we build with our fellow homo-sapiens, obviously very different to that with an animal because as humans, it is never that simple. 

“It’s not that I don’t like people. It’s just that when I’m in the company of others – even my nearest and dearest – there always comes a moment when I’d rather be reading a book.”~Maureen Corrigan

We are not that simple, people are not that simple, and motives are never that simple.  Our elaborate make-up and the nature of how we are made allows us a more symbolic method of communication in that we can reason, articulate, introspect, problem solve, and manipulate, all at our own choosing.  Choice.  We are afforded choice and the ability to choose.  And when we apply these endowments to the act of forging friendships between one human to another, the results can be something exceptionally beautiful but also sometimes unsightly.  The complexities of expectations, demands and stipulations all under the mask of ‘friendship’ never looms too far behind and when left unobserved, steps forward and takes charge.  Murray Gell-Mann writes,
“Today the network of relationships linking the human race to itself and to the rest of the biosphere is so complex that all aspects affect all others to an extraordinary degree. Someone should be studying the whole system, however crudely that has to be done, because no gluing together of partial studies of a complex nonlinear system can give a good idea of the behavior of the whole. ”

Ahh…the complexities of human behavior.  The perplexities of the human mind.  The way we think and act paints the abstract picture for others to appraise us.  How many for us know of that one person amidst who stilly manipulates and easily takes offense?  Or another who no massive passing of time or large vessel of words can appease their quest to seek affirmation?  I can only conclude that the way I deem them to be is not what they appraise themselves as.  Which then begs the question – What landscape am I painting of my self?  Is it a pretty picture or the opposite?  Too complex.  Too multifarious.  Too elaborate.  Henri Nouwen said,

“When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.”

An apt observation indeed. The establishing of friendships is a perilous exercise because there are risks involved.   How can we safe guard ourselves from the pain and disappointment of gaining a friend and loosing them at the same time?  How can we be open to those we hold dear and not risk being judged?  How can we prolong a friendship when we know that to gain them means to lose your soul? And how can we find that one person who is willing to leave footprints in our heart?

CS Lewis eloquently said,

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art…. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”

Perhaps making friends is a human choice after all.  Perhaps it is not essential, non fundamental to accumulate a field full of friends because all we need really is a handful.  A handful of those who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness.  Perhaps not everyone we meet are called to be a friend to us but instead we are actually called to be a friend to them. Perhaps.

In the meantime, Chloe-the-dog sits by my side and is my kimosabe, my pal, my buddy.  She may not articulate her feelings, she may not know how to cure me, heal me and she definitely abandons me when her time is up but there is something in her stillness that comforts me. There is something in her quietness that calms me. That as she gives so much meaning to my life, one which in turn, I offer my companionship. No expectations.  No prejudice.  Perhaps that is the essentials of all human friendship.  And that maybe, is the crux of the matter…

Dedicated to my buddies out there (you know who you are) who have sat with me, listened to me, cried with me and rejoiced with me.  I am eternally grateful for our friendship..

In Your Love I Am Found


Running through tall grass face smiling aglow,

The wind caresses my fur to the world my love bestow,

To love much and to love deep now and forever,

To serve you and protect you I will endeavor,

Damp noses, butterfly kisses and always wet licks,

I will be silly for you and display to you my tricks,

But for now I will lay on the soft pillow sleep,

As I dream prayers to God that His grace you will keep,

That my love for you grow and affection abounds,

You’re my master my human and in your care I am found.

Forever Yours,


You Can Sleep On It


I have come to realize that Chloe-the-dog is a very optimistic sort of canine.  She seems to have a natural knack of not allowing any situation to throw her into a foul frenzy.  From the moment she wakes up, she oozes optimism.  She is optimistic at 7.30 am and 6 pm because kibbles are about to appear in her bowl.  She is optimistic at mid-morning because chances are high she will be going ‘tug-trotting’ (those of you new to my blog, my lassie does not adhere easily to the ‘walk-next or one-step behind your master rule’.  She tugs, she trots, I speed walk..).  She is optimistic at 11.30 pm because chances are pretty high that Pa Hedgehog, Ma Hedgehog, and micro trio-hedgehogs are under the BBQ pit having a soiree so time to have a vocal run.  Chloe-the-dog is optimistic to the very core. Optimistic.  Take this morning for example.  Master and pooch were geared for the daily trek up  ‘Dog Poo Hill’ (fictional but trust me when I say that some dog owners really need to go for lesson 101 on crap aka feces aka flux aka number twos pick-ups).  They had the lead on, the doggy doo bag on, the game face on, and just as partners in crime were just about to step out on their sixes, it rained.  It showered.  It poured.  So, owner had no choice but to cancel the outing and make tail-wagger step back into the house.  Did bow-wow look confused? Sure did.  Did bow-wow throw that droopy disappointed expression? Yup.  Did bow-wow perform an aria in whine-minus? You betcha.  But as soon as I sat her down and explained the dangers of canine influenza, that she may get high fever (above 104 degrees Fahrenheit) and go downhill very quickly,  that pneumonia, specifically hemorrhagic pneumonia, can develop, and that she may very well cough up blood and have trouble breathing, Chloe-the-dog regained her composure once again and the aura of optimism flooded back into her being.  Maybe she won’t get her walk up dung hill this instant but eventually she will. Of course she will. Optimism.

Perhaps there is a lesson here for us.  Perhaps being optimistic is the way to go.  That no matter what catastrophe, failure, disappointments, hardship or meltdown we face in life, there must be a side which still is bright and hold traces of a silver lining.  But we must try to look for it because it will try to hide from our plain sight.  Debbie Bongiovanni wrote this poem,

“Be optimistic in your life,
Believe that things will go your way,
And if you need a little help,
Take some time and pray.

You need to have positive thoughts,
The negative needs to leave,
And if you think long enough,
You truly will believe.

So you did think good thoughts,
And being optimistic made things right,
And it was all because,
You saw the light.”

Looks like the rain has stopped.  Get your lead Chloe, we will be walking on wet meadow muffins…